Survival is about the intensification of our awareness that life is not as infinite as we once thought the deep blue seas were.
Our actions are having negative consequences on our surroundings and on Earth. Water is becoming scarce and food resources are diminishing, but it is not too late to change our behavior and redirect our energy towards a more positive outcome. We are questioning the essentials in life. What is more sustainable? Following trends and increasing pollution or making some adjustments to our daily life, such as reducing, reusing, recycling, and repurposing? A new attitude towards our lifestyles is more essential than ever before as the generations from Baby Boomers to iGen notice the changes occurring in the world around us. To survive we must be responsible!
Influence of this trend story on product and design in 2020+
This trend will reflect in a more sustainable and responsible design. Designers will take into consideration where they will be sourcing the materials and whether or not they are recyclable. In food and beverage, product packaging will use nature-based colors that will reflect the move towards sustainability and the accompanying social responsibility.
Markets/industries that may be influenced by this trend story in 2020+
Construction, textiles, home interiors, electronics, packaging, hospitality, and chemical products.
Products that may use these colors in 2020+
Apparel, garments, home furniture, wall paint, furniture, plastic goods, medical devices, and food and beverages.
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About ColorContext™
At CMG’s annual International Summit, members participate in Color Applications Workshops collaborating on future applications of our World Color Forecast™ and selecting the top 12 colors to emerge in specific market sectors including Residential, Contract, Lifestyle & Consumer. The Workshops results provide a rich resource of future design inspiration in industries such as Home and Contract (Interiors and Exteriors), Lifestyle and Consumer (durable and non-durable goods), and more. ColorContext™ highlights the top color trend stories identified during these Color Application Workshops.
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