CMG Swatchbook – Consumer and Contract Color Forecasting

By June 8, 2022Uncategorized


CMG’s western regional meeting examined the ingredients of successful color merchandising for the Contract market. Recognizing that there are significantly different color directions for Contract and Consumer markets, the program is instituted on the national level. Previously, there were two national meetings a year, with the Spring Meeting having an emphasis on Color Directions and the Fall Meeting’s emphasis on Marketing, Technology and Education. Moving forward, directional color forecasting is implemented at both meetings, with Spring focused on Consumer Color Directions and Fall focused on Contract.

This bi-annual focus on Consumer and Contract color forecasting continued for almost 30 years.  Over the years the differences in the color directions across these markets became less distinctive. Today, CMG creates an annual World Color Forecast™ with insight into a variety of industry-specific color directions.


CMG Swatchbook is a bi-monthly feature focused on key moments in CMG’s history. We look forward to sharing these events across 2022. Our anniversary celebration will culminate at our annual International Summit held this coming November. There will be more details to come, and we look forward to seeing you there!



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