October 2017 Color Alert


RGB: 215, 86, 53  CMYK: 10, 81, 90, 1   HEX: #d85538
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With a powerful punch, Attitude strikes with a sharp orange red. Discussed during CMG North American meetings in 2015 for emergence in 2017, this hue, with its strong influence, introduces visual vitality and strength not found in your glass of vegetable juice.

Attitude makes an audacious statement whether searing in full-on color in furnishings, as a quirky accent piece, or supporting other bright hues in a print. The bold hue is modern and sleek, and creates energy in velvet, voluptuousness in silk, and air cheating slickness in high gloss.

A color that declares strength and daring, it marries well with many colors, from muted olive and plum, to sharp blue and yellow.

Make a color statement, with Attitude.

October 2017 contributors: Judith van Vliet, Mark Woodman, Gerri Chmiel, Maryanne Cole

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