August 2017 Color Alert


RGB: 0, 126, 135  CMYK: 0, 62, 100, 0   HEX: #007e87


A hue of self-reflection, imbued with the inspiration of water “Sintonia” offers a cooling hue for contemplating life on a busy day. This blue, subtly influenced with green, emanated from CMG’s Latin America forecast in 2015, to emerge in 2017.

It adds a new dimension to the many blues we have witnessed, with just the right amount of brightness. Feeling very much, of the moment, this modern take on teal sets the direction for the merging of blue and green.

For now, it embraces home in everything from accessories to furnishings, textiles to paint. It is an excellent foil for stained woods, as well as crisp white and dove grey. Of course, its ability to coordinate with other hues makes it a natural for fashion, showing up in patterns in everything from dresses to shirts to accessories. Whether shiny and waterlike in a gloss finish, simple and pure in matte textile, or comfy and fun in terry cloth, it is excellent at shifting its look and has become a “go to” hue for all ages and genders.

As the northern hemisphere begins to wind down from summer, and the southern hemisphere ramps up, this hue is an excellent transition for life and mind.

August 2017 contributors: Judith van Vliet, Mark Woodman, Maryanne Cole

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