October 2024 Color Alert®

By October 1, 2024Uncategorized


Dynamic • Powerful • Independent



Break out! Write your own colour story! Find your Freedom!

Despite its yellow origins, Freedom is not a cautionary colour, it is a colour for soaring, beaming its warm glow for all to enjoy.

As part of Asia Pacific’s 2022 color meetings, for emergence in 2024, Freedom is a hue that embraces change and individuality. It can be many different things and represent products on many different levels, from interior to exterior, commercial to residential, casual to formal.

This yellow is a colour of independence and is beginning to appear in consumer goods, interiors, fashion, and visual communication. That independence stems, in part, from its ability to be at the forefront as other hues play supporting roles. Plum, grey, navy blue, olive green, pink; the list goes on, with hues that easily embrace Freedom’s glowing colour identity.

Freedom is also a comforting yellow, with a touch of red, that casts a golden glow suggesting everything from good luck and prosperity to warmth and health. It also can take on any special effect or surface look. With a metallic finish it can appear as if it emerged from a jewelry box, in a matte finish it suggests a dish of warming spices, or with a high-gloss surface it looks like the flowing honey from a hive and could be a lacquer accent on furnishings and cabinetry. It is a colour comfortable in any situation and in any guise.

Freedom is a colour that embraces and succeeds with many design expressions and can be almost anything desired. Indeed, it is Freedom!


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About CMG’s Color Alert®

Color Alert is an exciting monthly feature from Color Marketing Group® (CMG), illuminating one color each month from our World Color Forecast™ and validating our color predictions in the market. As a color litmus test, and drawing from North American, European, Latin American, and the Asia Pacific directional Forecasts, Color Alert brings CMG’s directional color stories to life, whether seen on store shelves, cruising along highways, or strutting fashion runways.
Color Marketing Group holds Color Forecasting Workshops – ChromaZones – and international Color Conferences to determine color direction approximately two years in advance (depending on industry). For instance, colors for 2024 were forecast back in 2022.  As the year unfolds we reveal one color per month. The results from these events are consolidated to form CMG’s World Color Forecast which is revealed annually at CMG’s International Summit.
Color Marketing Group is ready to share the excitement of color on an international scale and Color Alert lets the world know that CMG members are spot on with color direction. The eyes of its members are keen on the current emergence of color while staying focused on future hues. Knowledge, discovery, direction, and affirmation make Color Marketing Group the premier international association for color design professionals, and Color Alert allows us to share it with the world.

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