Member Benefits
Second-to-none color forecasting. A global network of engaged color enthusiasts. Our benefits are designed to help you make more informed choices:
Second-to-none color forecasting. A global network of engaged color enthusiasts. Our benefits are designed to help you make more informed choices:
Digital and printed decks of our entire World Color Forecast collections.
The Digital Color Forecasts from CMG’s regional ChromaZone® Workshops.
Access to our digital color archives covering the last decade, exploring color and trends as forecast by our global membership.
RESIDENTIAL (Interior/Exterior): The result of Workshop exploration and validation, bringing dimension to how CMG’s World Color Forecast™ will impact the residential/home industry.
LIFESTYLE AND CONSUMER: This report identifies the top 12 color directions that will emerge in durable and non-durable goods and visual communications.
CONTRACT (INTERIOR/EXTERIOR): Prepared by participants involved in the commercial markets, this report considers the use of CMG’s world colors in hospitality, education, healthcare, and office.
COLOR, MATERIAL & FINISH (CMF): This report explores how CMG’s latest Color Forecast speaks to the influences of material and finish on color.