Color in Literature

By June 20, 2019CMG Events, Conference

Color in Literature


Latin American Guest Speaker, Montaha Hidefi, explores the use of Color in Literature.

Even before Stendhal’s Le Rouge et le Noir, and passing through The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy, and most recently Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz, and Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman, and beyond, color has been used in literature for book titles and covers.  Color is wisely articulated in storytelling to depict the characters’ attitudes and the deeper psychological meaning of their surroundings.  Through her own experience, Guest Speaker, Montaha Hidefi will explore how authors and writers use color as a symbol to form a relationship between characters and readers. Through color, the connection with the story framework is dramatized to the extent that we are transported inside the journey of the characters.  We are, therefore, able create a human, meaningful, three-dimensional imagery of objects and spaces where the events take place. Through color, readers can see, touch, feel, and smell the virtual reality that impacts the characters, and consequently, impacts us as readers.

Montaha Hidefi

El Uso del Color en la Literatura

Incluso antes de El Rojo y El Negro de Stendhal, y pasando por La Dalia Negra de James Ellroy, y más recientemente Azul para la Pesadillas de Laurie Faria Stolarz, y aún luego de El Naranja es el Nuevo Negro de Piper Kerman, el color ha sido usado en los títulos y portadas de libros y se articula sabiamente en la narración para representar las actitudes de los personajes y el significado psicológico más profundo de sus alrededores.

Por medio de su propia experiencia, Montaha examinará cómo los autores y escritores usan el color como símbolo para formar una relación entre los personajes y los lectores. A través del color, la conexión con el marco de la historia se dramatiza en la medida que nos transporta dentro del viaje de los personajes y, por lo tanto, nos da la capacidad de crear imágenes humanas tridimensionales de objetos y espacios donde los eventos tienen lugar. A través del color, los lectores pueden ver, tocar, sentir y oler la realidad virtual que afecta a los personajes y, en consecuencia, nos afecta a nosotros los lectores.

CMG’s 2019 Latin American Conference Guest Speaker, Montaha Hidefi

Montaha Hidefi is the author of Groping for Truth – My Uphill Struggle for Respect (OC Publishing, 2018). She co-authored Colour Design: Theories and Applications, edited by Janet Best. She authored The Role of Color in Design, for Shop! MaRC Program’s Exam Prep Book (2017 and 2019); a globally recognized credential for retail environments professionals.

An international marketing professional, Montaha’s experience in the coatings industry extends across many geographical areas and markets, including powder coatings, special effect pigments, and raw materials for paints.

She lectures around the world about color and its importance. She presents at international trade shows, conferences, and color seminars. She contributes as a panelist to many trends books, and authors various articles to numerous trade publications.

Montaha currently consults and advises in color trends and forecasting, marketing, and content writing.

Hear her present The Use of Color in Literature  at this year’s Latin American Conference, August 6 – 8, 2019.

CMG 2019 Latin America Conference, Lima, Peru

Country: Peru
Dates: Tuesday August 6th to Thursday August 8th, 2019
Location: Hotel BTH, San Borja, Peru
Hotel Reservations:  To reserve a room at the Hotel BTH please email Giovanna Martinez, with your arrival and departure dates.
Registration Fees: CMG Member $125; Non Member $175;

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