Introducing our 2024+ Key Colors

By November 15, 2022World Color Forecast

Introducing our 2024+ Key Colors from Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin American, and North America.


CMG 2024+ Asia Pacific Main Key Color – Connection

The year 2024 demands that we behave differently from how we did during the height of pandemic years. We ought to rely on new innovations, improved supply chain management, and collaborate toward reconnecting the global sphere with a strong sense of urgency for the care of our planet. The integration of the virtual world with the real world and their association with technological advances calls for a key color that provides strength and vibrancy with a sense of urgency.

Connection binds these concepts together. A red-influenced, medium chroma blue, Connection is a dynamic color which depicts the integration and connection of the virtual world with our awakened reality. Connection is a symbol of new innovations and conveys a sense of connectiveness between the real and virtual worlds, the metaverse and technological advancements to create a well-supported community.

Connection represents communication and connectivity. While a part of us seeks to escape our day-to-day routines and stresses through either virtual worlds or in nature, there is another part that seeks a deeper connection with our neighbors and community.

The lack of connectivity due to lockdowns and social distancing over recent years deprived young children of learning important social skills. Going forward, these skills may take longer to learn which may cause extended intellectual or psychological issues that will need to be addressed.

A life that is supported by our community is essential to our wellbeing. We seek a bridge to connect all aspects of our lives, especially since these bridges were blocked or inaccessible during the pandemic years. We seek to connect with our previous working environments, social clubs and activities, sports, and communities to be re-established and strengthened.

Connection can be used in either matte or glossy finishes, depending on the application, and is anticipated to appear in markets such as Commercial Interiors, Consumer Goods, Textiles and Visual Communications.


CMG 2024+ European Main Key Color – Follow Me!

A rich, high chroma, bright orange, Follow Me! is a color for communication that emits signals associated to our awakening as we let go of old structures.

We seek a new freedom by giving up our independence from old structures while creating a new togetherness. We strive for greater autonomy and self-control. This strive defines our future sourcing behavior and makes the world seem smaller. We will experience balance through meaningful collaborative actions and new communities.

The time has come to adapt our personal lifestyles and adopt new habits. We have no choice but to reduce our individual consumption and give up some of our previous wealth.

Individuals, brands, and companies involved in the value chain are requested to take a sustainable and conscious stand against the consumption of short-life products and goods that are produced using non-sustainable methods.

A change in direction is challenging. It requires overcoming countless obstacles, but they do not stop us from reaching our destination.

Follow Me! symbolizes the need for empathy, warmth and caring for the people in need. It reflects the current struggles in Europe; anticipated to continue by 2024 and beyond.

Follow Me! is a way forward in a world that is stressed. It focuses on action. It cries out for attention without aggression. It says: “follow me and we will seek a way out, together.”

Follow Me! is predicted to trend in markets such as Automotive Exteriors, Consumer Goods and Sporting Goods.


CMG 2024+ Latin American Main Key Color – Busco!

A low chroma, pale and balanced lilac, Busco!, Spanish for “I search”, denotes the mystical, mysterious and digital “verse” identified as the metaverse.

Forecast earlier for 2021+, Busco! reemerges in the 2024+ Latin America Forecast as a forceful exclamation stressing the need to make an adjustment in our lives. The verb “buscar”, Spanish for “to search”, “to seek” or “to look for” is ingrained in the Latin American societies. The significance of the verb depends on the context. However, in all circumstances it interprets the implication of either looking for a person, searching for a lost object, or seeking answers. Busco! is up to what each one of us is seeking. We seek balance, peace, calm and simplicity.

Busco! rises to emphasize the digital evolution that is occurring as the metaverse converges and diverges with the feelings of detachment and indifference experienced during the times of pandemic. We are being forced to find a new lifestyle in a hyper-connected world. This is resulting in a cross-pollination between the real and the digital. Busco! raises a question in an exclamatory mode to figure out what exactly we are looking for. It makes us contemplate our plausible prospects. Are we seeking a “Betterverse” and a sense of “protopia” or would we continue wandering aimless through the many verses?

The freshness of Busco! allows the color direction to permeate through the search for something, our personal transformation, and our interactions within a hyper connected word.

Busco! is anticipated to appear in various industry segments such as Architectural Commercial & Residential Exteriors, Health & Wellness, and Fashion & Accessories

CMG 2024+ North America Main Key Color – Azoic

A green-based, high chroma yellow, Azoic oozes with a charm particular to hot springs rich with minerals and earth deposits.

This nutrient-rich color personifies the primeval motor system that controls our involuntary functions as we face the mysterious and unfamiliar.

Owing to its green component, Azoic may seem ghostly, spectral, and sterile, impersonating an ashen expression in front of danger or referencing the disadvantage of technology.

Azoic, the only yellow in the 2024+ North American Forecast, is a new entrant and original direction for the yellow family. Its originality stems from its complex and intricate tonality casting a power to transcend the boundaries of convention and manifest in countless modi vivendi that coexist peacefully.

The multiple utterances of Azoic communicate different moods to different individuals in different settings. Azoic is a warm and cold color at the same time. It can transport us to a bottomless yet shallow place simultaneously. It has a strong spatial intensity, but it gives the impression of being fathomless. It can be inoffensive but can become toxic. It can illustrate coalescence or clarify disintegration. It has a vitamin-feel effect but can be perceived as noxious. It can play to the tunes of pessimism and toxic positivity.

Azoic is a color that mirrors the uncertain, ambiguous, and impending times ahead. In a metallic, color shift effect, Azoic may denote the sophistication and elegance of foretimes with a space-age charm.

Azoic is anticipated to trends in markets such as Automotive Exteriors, Fashion & Accessories, and Home Décor & Accessories.


CMG’s Key Color Selection Process

The regional Key Color is selected out of the 16 colors included in the regional forecast. The choice is made based on the color direction of the forecast, the importance of the color family to the forecast, the significance of the specific color to the color direction, and how the color best represents the Color Stories or the general mood of the stories.

Before the final choice is made, various colors are shortlisted by the steering committee. The shortlist is based on various parameters, which may include one or more of the following:

  1. The number of times a color was submitted by participants during a ChromaZone®. Sometimes, it’s not the exact color that is submitted various times, but variations of it.
  2. The color was selected as a ChromaZone®  Story Key Color or ChromaZone Key Color.
  3. The most predominant color family in the Forecast. This is based on the number of colors within a color family.
  4. The most unexpected color in the Forecast, but closely related and representative of the general mood of the Color Stories.

Shortlisted colors are discussed one by one with an explanation of what they signify and symbolize, and why they will be important to represent the forecast.  Following discussions, the committee votes on the colors until one color ends up with the most votes.

For more information about Color Marketing Group, or our Key Colors, please contact

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  • Mahesh P says:

    Dear CMG team,

    I’m working at M/s Heromotocorp, India, as the lead for colour trend forecast.
    Request you to kindly let us know the CMG World colour trend reports available for purchase for Automotive/Product/Industrial designs/Consumer Electronics/FMCG/Interior/Fashion/Apparel/Cosmetics etc,
    We would also be interested to buy the reports on colour trend evolutions in the past 100 years if available
    Please share the details and price quotes for each

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