CMG Swatchbook – The 2020’s

By December 27, 2022Swatchbook, Uncategorized

2020: The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic results in a massive financial loss for CMG as the world goes into lock-down and employees work from home. CMG pivots all in-person forecasting events to the virtual realm using Zoom. CMG launches new member engagement initiatives: ColorChat to keep us connected and ColorSpeak to keep us learning.

As we head into 2023 and the world fears a continued economic downturn, we take inspiration from the insights of our Past President, Ken Charbonneau, regarding the recession that kicked off the 1980s:

“Participation in Color Marketing Group continues to be vitally important, perhaps even more so in the uncertain economic era. When sales quotas are hard to achieve and competition is at its keenest, your CMG membership provides a high and critical return on its investment.

Color Marketing Group meetings are a tremendous source of information and inspiration. With CMG offering the most comprehensive color story available, your companies cannot afford to miss what you will bring back from a CMG meeting. We must prove to management the value of CMG. Show them that our membership includes more than a packet of color chips at the end of the year. It is face-to-face contact with our peers, an opportunity to exchange color and marketing information. 

As times become grayer, CMG becomes more needed, more important, more valuable. Color is still the authority, no matter what the economy does. Color decisions will still have to be made, and it will be even more crucial that we make the right decisions.”

CMG’s leadership is constantly working to improve your membership experience, and expand your member benefits. We have many new initiatives scheduled for 2023, and can’t wait to share them with you all! Our first event, Future Thinking, kicks off on January 17. Registration is still open, so sign up here.




From all of us at Color Marketing Group, we wish you a colorful 2023!






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