2019 Chicago ChromaZone Color Forecasting Workshop

Color Collaboration at the Chicago ChromaZone at NeoCon

2019 Chicago ChromaZone® Color Forecasting Workshop

Color Marketing Group’s Chicago ChromaZone Color Forecasting Workshop is one of the most popular events on our color forecasting calendar.  Each year color design professionals add this event to an already hectic schedule crammed with color, design, and trend inspiration, many of them already attending NeoCon.  We asked a few of our members why it’s important for them to also make the Chicago ChromaZone a priority.

Color Marketing Group® Chicago ChromaZone

Color Forecasting Synergy

“I love the in-depth discussions and trend observations that were shared by the attendees of the ChromeZone Workshop. Though we come from different backgrounds and industries, everyone’s stories touched on the same few key areas, which then were translated into color. Fascinating!”

— Aga Artka, Design Consultant, Inpro Corporation

“Color Marketing Group’s ChromaZone is a great addition to our yearly forecasting process. We use insights and colors from the workshop to directly influence the colors we use on our cases at OtterBox. The ChromaZone is key to our kickoff in developing our yearly product line at OtterBox. The workshop helps us forecast what big ideas and key colors we should be focused on two years out.”

— Erika Johnson, Color Trend Graphic Designer, Otter Products

“The ChromaZone gives me the opportunity to have a voice in the future color forecasts and learn from the other participants about trends that effect other markets. It’s a nice ‘big picture’ exercise to keep me thinking outside my usual bubble.”

— Leslie Randolph, Designer, Schattdecor, Inc.


Color Marketing Group® Chicago ChromaZone

Color Forecasting Collaboration Empowers

Each of our annual ChromaZone workshops attracts new members and first time participants, and this year’s Chicago ChromaZone was no exception. Laura Stewart, Head of Design for Living Solutions Americas Continental (Benecke Horschuch Surface Group) told us:

“Color is always a huge influence in general, but the most important part of Color Marketing Group is providing my team and myself a resource to collaborate with designers within our markets to better predict our customer’s color directions. The Workshop pushed each of us to think innovatively, which I believe provides a strong foundation to be color design trend leaders for our products (i.e. artificial leather, pool liner, and decking).  My favorite trend story discussion was the growing political, social, environmental polarization, and the rising need for a unified solution. I think this is a trend that affects us all and we all hope to band together for a bright and hopeful future.”

Emily Siwek, Design Strategy Analyst, Sphere Trending and new to our Workshop process also told us:

“I attended the Chicago ChromaZone this year, alongside NeoCon, to complement the show exhibits with more in-depth conversation and analysis of color and trend. It was a great touch point to see what other industries are talking about. The original content and discussions generated during our workshop will also add another useful layer of insight to our ongoing trend research.”

Color Marketing Group® Chicago ChromaZone®

2021 Chicago Color Trend Directions

Workshop Facilitator, Stephanie Dycha, Clariant shared what new trends we can expect to see from this Workshop.

“The talented and creative group at our Chicago ChromaZone concentrated on a very interesting year.  Twenty twenty-one will be the aftermath following the intense political, social and environmental storm of 2020. After years of polarizing events that have seen the world either being pushed together or forced apart the group felt like in 2021 you will see a  balance in this world of extremes. The palette as a whole represents darkness and hope, beauty and passion, and a balance in a simmering aftermath of a world exhausted from a long journey through tough terrain.”

— Stephanie Dycha, Clariant

Color Marketing Group® Chicago ChromaZone®

Upcoming Color Forecasting Events

Events remaining for 2019 include the Minneapolis ChromaZone, the Latin American and Asia Pacific Conferences, and the International Summit. Sign up today!



You won’t want to miss our International Summit where we will reveal the 2021+ CMG World Color Forecast™ and you can start applying color directions and trends to your product lines today! There is also an exciting line up of trend and color forecasting, color education workshops, and inspiring speakers. Registration for the International Summit is open and hotel reservations can be made at the fabulous El Conquistador Hotel in Tucson, AZ. Sign up today!



Our 2020 calendar of events will be posted shortly. Please check back to keep your color trends looking forward!

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