2019 Key Color Future Green

2019 Key Color Future Green

RGB 160, 190, 159, HEX #a0be9f


This key color forecasted in 2017 to emerge in 2019, is not only a color wave of the future, but a way of life. Future Green represents the trend of self-awareness, celebrating “We are, what we are.” It is a hue of accomplishments, generosity, and above all, embracing a responsibility to the environment.

In a world where true meanings are hard to discern, hidden behind masks or alternative facts, Future Green offers a hue of simplicity and honesty. It is a push back against hidden agendas and is a color that offers face-to-face reality. People want trust and clarity so grass roots movements become key for the populace to take on what the elected officials cannot, or do not, accomplish.

Future Green exhibits strength and resolve. It will suggest the many guises as nature, offering itself in everything from glass-like translucent materials, to matte, gloss, or textured finishes in things as varied as metal or wool.

Live a future that embraces the promise of honesty, clarity, and humanity. Live Future Green.

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January 2019 Contributors: Judith van Vliet, Mark Woodman, Maryanne Cole, Sandy Sampson

Color Exploration Extends Color Alerts®

CMG 2019 Key Color Future Green


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